What is accountability? Is it being called out for being wrong? For missing the mark? For letting your family, friends, community, or yourself down? The other morning I listened to Phil Anderton’s podcast, “Becoming a Dangerous Man” and felt compelled to pick up the pen…er keyboard, once again. His was a powerful message that morning and likely even more for the right audience. Maybe that audience is people who drink.…

🚨 Beware of Phishing Attempts: A Quick Reminder 🚨 Phishing relies on emotions, not logic. Recently, an acquaintance got a fishy message threatening account deletion. Classic move to trigger panic and get you clicking. But here’s the scoop: While at first blush this may appear to be almost-kinda-sorta-legit, upon further review it screams phishing attempt.  🕵️‍♂️ Here are a couple things to be on the lookout for: Many phishing attempts…

What’s in a name?

November 29, 2023

The term “leadership” is tossed around incessantly in discussions about the qualities people desire (or lack) in a workplace or in life. Numerous articles and blog posts, including this one, highlight how poor leadership stands as the primary demotivating factor in the workspace, all while extolling abstract theories of what constitutes a good leader. I understand it. I’ve experienced working for both good and bad leaders. Interestingly, as I reflect…

Why do people still have non-locking mailboxes? These two sets of boxes are nearly directly across the street from one another and, while the first group (in the picture above) is missing everything and has been thoroughly pilfered, the second group (picture below) stands alone, unbothered. It’s because people are lazy. They want the easy money or the quick score. Why spend time or effort on the one set of…

Better than we found them

November 11, 2023

In my last post I mentioned leaving people better than we found them. I think the same principle applies to places we go and things we do as well.   I remember watching a TV show once when I was a kid where the characters were going on a trip and needed to rent a car. The main protagonist was adamant that he wouldn’t need the “extra six-dollar insurance” because…

Most often our customers in this industry are having one of, if not the, worst days of their lives and they may not know what to do other than call 911. They forget their address, they forget their dates of birth, they may not even have known what kind of service they need or if it’s possible for us to provide. But what they won’t forget is how they were…

Today I completed the Google Cybersecurity Professional Certificate course and finally saw that digital certificate pop up with my name on it. This course has been quite the journey for me, one that was both challenging and rewarding. While some parts came more naturally to me than others, it was the tougher aspects that truly pushed me to expand my thinking in ways I hadn’t before. Learning new concepts and…

Hello (again) world!

September 6, 2023

First post of the relaunch. Years go by quickly when you’re busy. Projects fall to the wayside. Forgotten or neglected. Sometimes both. Doesn’t mean it wasn’t still important. Just that it had to be prioritized. Family first. Work first. Life first. Hobbies and side-hustles come later.

Change is…good?

April 1, 2023

Change – it’s going to happen. Change inevitably arrives whether we wish it to or not. It can be good, it can be bad, it can be unexpected, and it can be planned. We complain about change and while we simultaneously complain about doing things the same way we’ve always done them. Change comes easier for some than it does for others. Once altered, the routines and habits that we’ve…